The parameters for the monitoring of cattle diseases are Dozens of diseases in cattle, but we know from the study that the body temperature, the daily activity, Feed intake behavior are very important parameters to indicate the diseases like BRD, FMD, Mastitis, Septicemia and etc for the Beef and Cows.and those parameters also can use to monitor the estrus detection for Cows。

System Structure

Our research team follows those parameters to create a live Stock management system for farms. the basic structure of the system is sensor level, Communication level, Data analysis, and present level.

Sensors level

We learn from some research, Monitoring body temperature, High sensitivity for BRD (>90%), Moderate-to-low specificity for BRD (≈50%). Monitoring physical activity, Moderate-to-low sensitivity for BRD (60%), Moderate specificity for BRD (≈70%). Monitoring feeding behavior, Moderate-to-low sensitivity for BRD (<70%).Moderate specificity for BRD (≈75%).None of the parameters alone can accurately detect sick cattle. it needs a Combination of health parameters to balance the battle of the sensitivity and specificity monitoring of cattle sickness.we are using one tag to measure those three parameters.

Communication level

We are creating a Flexible, robust, reliable communication Network by wireless communication technology. we are using an IoT/Lora gateway to bridge Lora wireless network to an IP network base on WiFi, Ethernet, 3G, or 4G cellular. we are using the Lora to FSK tag readers to extend the distance between the wireless tags to the IoT/Lora gateway, we are using the temperature sensors and accelerator sensor to monitor the cattle body temperature and daily activity we put a tag reader to a feed bunk to monitor the Duration and frequency of feeding the wireless tags are required up to 5 years battery life. The communication level is also a real-time location system network it’s for cattle real-time track and real-time inventory.

Data analysis and Present level

The Data analysis and present level are the most important part because it will present the results and data to the end-user- farmers which should be the information mean something to the farmers and Can be translated to meaningful action. it will be user-friendly, Explains an underlying biological process, and Information readily available to farmers.


We put animal welfare as the top priority to tag design any wearable thing to the cattle should not add stress, uncomfortable, and even hurt them. We will carefully choose the materials of the tag and design a suitable tag easy the way to wear to a cattle. for the farm, the system should be user-friendly and can translate information into meaningful action. Low-cost for a unit and it should be less USD100 investment per cattle.